If you are the sort of person that prefers some independence but would like the convenience of our local knowledge to lock into one of our meticulously planned Active Breaks, then the self drive option might be for you. If you are considering this option, please keep the following important points in mind: * Our itineraries have been planned with a guide/driver. Sometimes this is not essential whilst at other times the guide/driver is required to drop you at the starting point of an activity and pick you up from the end point (like in Rafting or Mt Bike Riding). By choosing the self drive option we will need to modify some parts of the itinerary. This is why its important you contact us first so that we can discuss and finalise an itinerary that works for you. * Obviously you will be provided with a car and a carefully detailed itineray outlining all the Google maps locations of the accommodation, restaurants and activities that you will be visiting. The cost saving in NOT having a Driver/Guide will be US$50/day, so in terms of overall cost the saving is not large, however if independence is your motivation, then this may be the way to go. * If you choose this option you will need to arrive in Indonesia with an International Drivers Licence. The police sometimes undertake roadside checks but as long as you have your licence and the car registration (which we would give you) then you will not have any problems. * Driving in Indonesia is on the left side of the road. * Most roads in Central and Northern Bali are small two way roads. * Driving in Indonesia is different to driving in Australia, USA, European countries etc. It is not difficult but you will need to get used to the traffic flow, cars and motorbikes all around you and drivers doing things you wouldn’t expect when you are home. As long as you drive at modest speed, expect the unexpected and don’t make any sudden moves (e.g if you want to change lanes do so carefully and slowly so that other vehicles can work around you), then you should enjoy the driving experience. If you wish to discuss a Self Drive option for your Active Bali holiday, please contact us.
Self Drive – Talk to us